Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Credit Crunch to hit Indian IT? No

Most of the Indian IT companies work in supporting legacy application, application development & management, BI & data warehousing and BPO services. These are the areas, which are very essential to support the day to day running of businesses. These functions are crucial to running the businesses. So these are the areas where businesses can not afford to cut back. Because even if these are bad times they can not abandon their existing systems or cut back to support services to their employees or customers. They need continued support to run them.
Also businesses need to keep enhancing their IT systems and processes that are required by regularatory requirements like BASEL II, SOX, etc. Such requirements can not be postponed by businesses just because there is recession.
So I strongly believe that Indian IT outsourcers would keep on getting their business from international clients.
In fact during recession, businesses would be looking at cutting cost down so they would be evaluating more areas of their IT spending which could be outsourced/offshored. So it may even open up new business opportunities and increase the business for outsourcers.
It’s the high-end consulting business which may be affected in big way as businesses may not want those services and Indian IT companies have hardly any significance presence in that area.