Sunday, 22 March 2020

Chinese Corona Virus: And it's aftermath

World is completely shaken by the Chinese virus. Not a single country or territory is left untouched by this in the world. Every single person is talking about it. Every news sites is writing GBs worth of news every day, anyone you talk to is talking about only Corona.
Almost every country has imposed some level of lock down, somewhere entire countries are locked down. At this moment, it seems to be going out of hands for majority of govts. around the world. The world economy has completely come to a screeching halt suddenly.
Today individuals and govts are not thinking of growth, job and riches but only about saving lives.
This has also exposed how the world is vulnerable both economically and health-wise. And how connected we are to each other however far we may be physically in the world.
This has also exposed starkly our greed, our pursuit of materialistic goals, pleasures, naked exploits of the nature, leaving family, emotions, and community and pursuing materialistic success.
Once this all is gone, world has returned to normalcy, every individual and especially govts and policy makers will have to seriously think about the direction in which the world is going. Is pursuing materialism really worth it? This should be a question on the mind of everyone. Should we judge our growth only in terms of GDP numbers?