Friday, 8 April 2022

Khalistan & Congress

 1977 Congress lose Punjab elections, Akali comes to power with help of BJP's predecessor

Gyani gave idea to Sanjay to create a person who give riery speeches

by this they can create rift between janta and akalis

they interviewed two religius prechers and selected bhindrenwale

Kamal nath paid to bhindrenwale

Sanjay started operation to create bhindrenwale and scare hindus in Punjab.

they planned to drag this issue for 4 years and solved right before election to win confidence of hindus and win election

1980 they build a division in RAW dedicated to pursuing Khalistan issue when there was no talk of this issue.

so Indira planned to create this issue, then kill the issue in order to win people

s faith and win next election.

Indira created issue through fake news on khalistan issue in newspapers

GOI dragged the issue and let it grow and  did not intentionally solved it