Monday, 13 July 2020

Eduflation: Curse of India

Too many educated chasing too little jobs is eduflation.
With too many colleges mushrooming across and hardly any providing quality education, colleges churn up unqualified engineers, managers and graduates. Corporates can't employ them for obvious reasons. This whole system creates following problems:
  1. undeserving degree holders flooding the job market, skewing unemployment market.
  2. unfullfilled low level jobs which could have employed these youngs but since 'graduates' are over qualified so they wont do low level work.
  3. Corporates not getting qualified employees.
  4. Country and society suffering inspite of spending time, money and human resource.

This is the Eduflation.
Engineering colleges don't make engineers, management colleges don't make managers/salesman, other graduate colleges only produce degree holders. No skills are imparted in any college except few top notch colleges. Looks like whole higher education system is just crap.
Companies have to train again the recruits after uneducating them. Such a waste of resources.
What is needed is a different kind of schools/colleges where basic life education is given in schools and then on youngs go to skills specific training schools where only particular skills is given in dedicated manners only in few months e.g. schools for coding, salemanship, welding, car repair, etc. etc. Such skills could be given in upto 6 months, not more. They should be directly attached to actual work, not just theory. These training schools should be open to any age group.
Then there could be high quality higher education schools where there could be multiple ways to get into and there should ways for experienced people to get into, based on their experience and not only on degree....
A different level of education is needed today in this world, not the industrial level factory education to reduce Eduflation.

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